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Festival Highlights

Meet the Masters: Interviews with the Creators of the Auckland Writers Festival

The Auckland Writers Festival is a beacon for literature enthusiasts in New Zealand and beyond, celebrating the written word with an impressive array of events, from author talks and panel discussions to workshops and performances. Behind this literary extravaganza is a team of dedicated individuals who pour their passion, creativity, and expertise into making the festival a success. In this article, we delve into the minds of the festival’s key creators, uncovering their inspirations, challenges, and the unique vision that shapes the Auckland Writers Festival.

Janet McAllister: The Visionary Curator

Janet McAllister, the festival’s curator, has a deep-rooted passion for literature that drives her work. She believes in the power of stories to connect people and provoke thought. Janet’s vision for the festival is to create a platform that celebrates both emerging and established writers, ensuring a diverse representation of voices and genres.

Janet’s approach to curating the festival involves a meticulous balancing act. She strives to create a program that appeals to a wide audience, from literary aficionados to casual readers. This involves not only selecting a variety of genres but also ensuring that the festival highlights the cultural and social issues pertinent to New Zealand and the world. One of Janet’s proudest moments was the conversation between renowned author Margaret Atwood and emerging Māori writer Tina Makereti. This event epitomized the festival’s mission to blend global perspectives with local voices, creating a rich and engaging dialogue.

David Larsen: The Creative Director

David Larsen, the festival’s creative director, brings a unique vision that seeks to push the boundaries of traditional literary events. David views literature as a dynamic art form that intersects with music, visual arts, and performance. His goal is to create a festival experience that reflects this interconnectedness, offering attendees a multifaceted cultural experience.

David’s selection of themes and focus areas is influenced by both current trends and enduring literary themes. For the upcoming festival, he is particularly excited about the “Literature and the Environment” series, which addresses ecological issues through the lens of literature. This series will feature discussions, readings, and workshops with writers who are passionate about environmental advocacy. David believes this theme will resonate deeply with audiences, providing both entertainment and a platform for important conversations about sustainability and the future of our planet.

Emily Perkins: The Community Liaison

Community engagement is at the heart of the Auckland Writers Festival, and Emily Perkins, the community liaison, ensures that the festival remains accessible and inclusive. Emily is committed to making literature a part of everyday life for all New Zealanders, regardless of age or background. Her work involves coordinating free events, school programs, and outreach initiatives that bring writers into local communities.

One of Emily’s most memorable initiatives is the “Writers in Schools” program. This program has brought authors like Joy Cowley into classrooms, igniting a passion for reading among young students. Emily measures the success of these efforts not just by attendance numbers but by the personal stories and feedback from participants who feel inspired and connected to the literary world. Her goal is to create lasting memories and foster a lifelong love of literature.

Michael King: The Logistics Maestro

Behind the scenes, Michael King manages the complex logistics of the festival. His role involves coordinating venues, schedules, and technical requirements to ensure that each event runs smoothly. Michael thrives on organization and problem-solving, starting preparations months in advance and working closely with a dedicated team.

One of the major challenges Michael faces is managing the schedules of numerous international and local writers. Coordinating flights, accommodations, and event timings requires precision and flexibility. Ensuring that venues are equipped to handle the specific needs of each event, from sound systems to seating arrangements, is another critical aspect of his role. Michael’s ability to stay calm under pressure and adapt to changing circumstances is key to the festival’s seamless execution.


A Unified Vision

Together, Janet, David, Emily, and Michael bring their unique skills and passions to create a festival that is more than the sum of its parts. Their unified vision is to celebrate the richness of literature while making it accessible and engaging for all. The Auckland Writers Festival is a testament to their dedication, offering a space where stories come alive, ideas are exchanged, and communities are connected.

As you plan your visit to the Auckland Writers Festival, take a moment to appreciate the hard work and creativity of the team behind the scenes. Their efforts ensure that the festival remains a vibrant and inspiring event, celebrating the power of the written word in all its forms. Whether you are a seasoned festival-goer or attending for the first time, the Auckland Writers Festival promises an unforgettable literary experience.